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Les options pour votre site

Options for your website

Site multi langues

Multi language site

Reach more customers by offering a multilingual version of your reservation site! There is no limit for the number of languages, go from French to English to Russian in one click!

Google Site Kit

Google Site Kit

Get insights into how people find and use your site, how to improve and monetize your content, right from your site dashboard, with Google tools!

Live Chat Messenger

Live Chat Messenger

Quickly answer your customers' questions using Facebook Messenger live chat! Simple to use and connected to your professional page.



Promote your store with perfectly designed emails. We take care of installing a powerful, functional, easy-to-use and ready-to-use mailing tool!

Boutons de partage

Share buttons

Make yourself known effortlessly! Encourage visitors to your site to share your web pages, your products or your services by SMS, Facebook, WhatsApp, Messenger, email and much more...

Kit réseaux sociaux

Social media kit

Boost your visibility with a personalized social kit! The kit is made up of visuals adapted to each social network you use: Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Pinterest...

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